Hey Everyone,
Dan here, Club President for SNORC MTB Club.
I’d like to start by thanking every single person that has taken the call to action over the past couple of months helping highlight the need for a change towards MTB in our Region.
I personally think we are now at the beginning stages of the future for riding across the North Shore, and it is looking good.
I urge everyone to continue to take up the collective responsibility of telling our Local Council what we need for our sporting future.
AVAILABLE NOW for public consultation are: the full Westleigh Park Draft Master Plan AND the initial engagement campaign for the Hornsby Park Draft Master Plan, both until Wednesday 2nd June 2021.
All your efforts have led us to this point, lets continue on this same path and be sure the Council has the best information they need to help produce the trail network warranted for this area.
Club Notes:
I’ve been meaning to sit down and create some structure to the next phase of Club Rides, so I am happy to report that today is that day!
We will be running Groups Rides for a period of 8-weeks (dates below) with the intention to help raise Club Membership and participation, and we are also taking a leaf out of the @garigalgorillas book and implementing the “Fiver” strategy to these rides.
If you’re not familiar, Fiver Rides are put on by the Garigal Gorillas to help raise funds in their Club that is poured back into the community and the trail network that supports it. If you haven’t been to a Fiver Ride I can highly recommend it.
Therefore, our aim is to do the same for our SNORC Social Rides and with the funds raised we are looking to purchase a quality timing system to hold Club Races future-forward!
We have two different options for our rides, they are as follows:
Fresh Rides Wednesdays 6:30AM
Ride Description:
This is a training ride, little to no rest in between runs as there is the element of a training session built in. Quick pace.
These rides will be held at both OMV & H20 on alternate weeks.
Ride duration 1HR
Meet at Trail Head
Thursday Arvo Social 4:00PM
Ride Description:
The Thursday rides are a more chilled pace and are held at OMV each week.
The aim for this ride is to session trail, session jumps, practise corners and focus on technique.
Ride duration 2HRS
Meet at the Dirt Jumps for a warm-up.
Weeks, Dates & Locations:
WK1 Wed 28 Apr @H2O
WK1 Thu 29 Apr @OMV
WK2 Wed 5 May @OMV
WK2 Thu 6 May @OMV
WK3 Wed 12 May @H2O
WK3 Thu 13 May @OMV
WK4 Wed 19 May @OMV
WK4 Thu 20 May @OMV
WK5 Wed 26 May @TBC
WK5 Thu 27 May @OMV
WK6 Wed 2 Jun @H2O
WK6 Thu 3 Jun @OMV
WK7 Wed 9 Jun @OMV
WK7 Thu 10 Jun @OMV
WK8 Wed 16 Jun @TBC
WK8 Thu 17 Jun @OMV